Prophetic Words
Prophetic Word for January 1. 2022
First thing this morning the Lord asked me to look up the Hebrew meaning of the number 22. I went to my favorite Christian site and was excited about what I found! I want to read part of what I found then I want to share three things I hear the Lord saying to His …
Prophetic Word for December 31, 2021
As I was spending time in the Spirit today, I was praying in my heavenly language and one word kept being repeated so I decided to look it up and try to find the translation. Have you ever done that? I have! The word is kaonana and when I looked it up, I found this …
Prophetic Word for December 28, 2021
“I want to invade earth,” says the Lord. “I want My Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven. I want to invade hearts and minds, homes, and businesses. I want to invade churches. But you must invite me to come. To the measure that you want and invite Me, that is the …
Prophetic Word for December 24, 2021
As I prayed this morning, I felt the Lord asking me to grab my pen and my specific journal – the white one with red polka dots. I grabbed my pen and journal and continued to pray. Then I felt that the Lord wanted me to write down the date, so I did. Then I …