Prophetic Word for December 31, 2021

As I was spending time in the Spirit today, I was praying in my heavenly language and one word kept being repeated so I decided to look it up and try to find the translation. Have you ever done that?  I have!

The word is kaonana and when I looked it up, I found this phrase in Tagalog: gusto ka mo kaon ana which means you want to eat there.

I felt the Lord was telling me that I was praying and telling Him “I want to eat at Your table.”

This is fascinating because during worship on December 26th the Lord showed me a huge table in the Spirit. The table was filled with food. There were plates, eating utensils, napkins and it was the Lord Himself who was serving the diners. He was inviting us to eat at His table.

1 Corinthians 10:21 TPT You can’t drink from the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You can’t feast at the table of the Lord and feast at the table of demons.

We must choose which table at which we’ll eat and drink. What does it look like to eat and drink at the table of the Lord? At His table we worship, fellowship, and have communion with Him and our brothers and sisters.

Then I asked the Lord, “What is at Your table?”  I heard Him say, “Love”, so I immediately thought of Galatians 5:22 and this is what I found in TPT.

But the fruit (harvest) produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions. (Love is expressed through the next eight)

Love is expressed through joy that overflows. Love is expressed through peace that subdues. Love is expressed through patience that endures – ever tapping, never quitting. Love is expressed through kindness in action (sweetness in the Aramaic) Love is expressed through a life full of virtue (goodness) Love is expressed through faith that prevails. Love is expressed through gentleness of heart. Love is expressed through strength of Spirit (Spirit-strength)

Feasting at His table allows us to harvest love which is shown by the other eight attributes. So, when I sit at His table, what is on my plate? Love. What is on my fork? Love. What is in my cup? Love.

When Jesus drank the cup of suffering, it was for love.

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