Prophetic Word for January 1. 2022

First thing this morning the Lord asked me to look up the Hebrew meaning of the number 22. I went to my favorite Christian site and was excited about what I found!

I want to read part of what I found then I want to share three things I hear the Lord saying to His people.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet; therefore, this encompasses the whole Word of God, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. 22 can picture something highly prophetic and involves words. Other meanings: totality, creation, life, and order.

22nd Hebrew Letter: Tav Numerical value of four hundred. Pictographic meaning the seal (of God), completion, signal, symbol, monument. As a multiple of four, government and authority (whether holy or wicked) are also insinuated.

YHWH spoke the Universe into existence. He used Words and words are made from letters. Thus, the Hebrew letters are the building blocks to all life.

The 22 letters are like human DNA. Each cell has Twenty-two pairs of chromosomes, called autosomes, with an additional pair of chromosomes that determine male or female. 

David used an acrostic featuring all 22 Hebrew letters when he penned Psalm 119. Eight verses are devoted to each of the Hebrew letters to praise YHWH for His Torah, commandments, and precepts. It’s as if he were “counting the ways” of his love for YHWH and His WORD.

What I hear the Lord speaking initially are three things. One, since we have come to the end of the Hebrew alphabet with the year 22, it is a year for things to be finalized or wrapped up. We will see breakthrough this year.

Two, it’s interesting that the numerical value of 22 is 400 because that is the number of years between the old and new testaments in which the word of the Lord was rare. This speaks to me of another ending of something – a scarcity of hearing the Lord. Expect the Word of the Lord to increase.

Three, YHWH used words to speak the universe into existence. Just as He used words to create, He is expecting us to watch our words carefully. He is asking us to declare and decree His Kingdom into the earth this year. On earth as it is in Heaven.

A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. We are God’s representatives on the earth; therefore, we carry His authority as we decree Heaven into the earth.

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