Read the Bible in One Year: Day 10 – Follow the Pleasing Path

Genesis 23:1-24:51 / Matthew 8:1-17 / Psalm 9:13-20 / Proverbs 3:1-6

Today there is two verse passage I want to highlight, and it’s well-known, but let’s not miss the treasure it contains.

Proverbs 3:5-6 The Amplified Bible

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,
And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

Y’all know I love to break down scripture, so let’s do that for these two beautiful verses to gain better understanding.  The reason better understanding has value is it allows us to apply the Word to our own lives and walk according to the truth we’ve read.

Trust:  To have confidence or be confident, to be bold, to be secure, to feel safe (Hebrew word Batach)

Heart:  Our mind, will and understanding.  Our soul, inclination, thinking, determination.  The seat of our appetites, emotions and passions.

Rely:  Trust, support oneself (Hebrew word Sha’an)

Understanding:  Discernment

Acknowledge:  To know, learn to know or perceive.  To distinguish.  To know by experience.  To recognize, admit, confess. 

Straight paths:  Way of living, road that is level, lawful, pleasing, agreeable, approved, laid smoothly out

These definitions from the Hebrew language help to “fatten” or broaden our understanding of these two verses. 

Sometimes I enjoy studying a few verses this way, then writing my own version.  No, I’m not changing scripture; I’m understanding and consuming it for myself!

I am confident, bold and secure in the Lord, and I do this with all my understanding and determination.  I will not trust my own discernment. 

In all my ways, I will seek to know, distinguish and experience Him.  And as I do this, He will make my way of living and the path I travel on pleasing and smooth.

That last part does not mean life will be a bowl of cherries!  But it does mean He will be in the center of every circumstance and that brings me great comfort!

Did you have a favorite verse or two from today’s reading?  If so, feel free to study it out and send me your version!

God bless and have a Jesus-filled week!

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