Read the Bible in One Year: Day 101 – Do You Have God in a Box?

Joshua 3-4 / Luke 14:7-35 / Psalm 80 / Proverbs 12:27-28

In the book of Joshua, the people of God are preparing to cross the Jordan river and move into position to attack Jericho.  The long-awaited day to receive the promise has finally arrived!  I know they were excited, but probably also apprehensive because of the battles ahead.

But pay attention to whom led the people in crossing the river – the Levitical priests.  However, they are not “alone”; they are carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, which housed the presence of God in those days. 

I had a couple interesting thoughts.  One – God’s people are “carrying” God in a box.  Since we are pre-cross, God’s Spirit cannot yet live within His people.  Why?  Because a holy God will not inhabit, much less come near an imperfect and sin-filled vessel.  It is not until we’re purified through faith in Christ that Holy Spirit comes to live within. 

Until this time, God has been seen as both a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  Once the temple was completed, God’s presence rested above the mercy seat on the Ark.  I don’t know why it seemed so odd to me to consider that God had been “placed in a box”.  I don’t believe it’s where God preferred to be, but it was necessary because God wanted to be near His people.  He wanted to lead them into battle and victory.

That had me wondering, now that God no longer lives “in a box”, but within His people – within His Church – why do we keep Him in that box?  What I mean is boxed thinking, or small thinking.  God is all-powerful and all-knowing.  He created all the universe, so what makes us think He can be contained or managed?  He cannot.  He chose to dwell in the ark, just as He chose to come to earth as a man.

How often do you allow God to choose how He will show up in your life?  Or how often do you allow your expectations to dictate what God can and cannot do?  Humans are comfortable with things that are manageable and expected.  But our Great and Mighty God is anything but manageable and predictable! 

Have you allowed God to do whatever He wants in your life?  In a day, week, year, season?  In your church gatherings?  I must wonder how different these scenarios might look if God had His way.  Since He is good, we can be assured that by us allowing Him to be “unboxed”, we would see and hear things we had not previously seen or heard.  He wants to bless us with amazing and good things!

Who’s up for that?  I am!  In our Sunday services, that’s exactly what we do.  We have a format and an idea of a plan each week, but we leave lots of space for Holy Spirit to do as He pleases.  Things don’t always turn out the way we expect (honestly, they rarely do!), but the result is much better than we anticipated!  I’ll take that any day.

Why are we afraid to give God the reigns of our lives and gatherings?  What are we fearful He might do?  What if we don’t end on time?  What if the preacher has no time to speak?  What if…  fill in the blank.

On the other hand, what if God has His way and people are healed?  Or salvation comes?  Or a new song, or a verse is laid on someone’s heart to share and it totally changes a life?  The possibilities are endless when we allow God His way.  And this is how I’ve always longed to experience “church”. 

I say, “Yes, Lord.  Do whatever you want.  I’ll ‘house’ You.  I’ll submit to You.  I’ll let You be in charge.  Where do you want to go?” 

If you’re looking for this type of experience with God and His people, send me a message and I’ll get you the address.  You’ll never regret your decision to let God out of that box! 

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