Read the Bible in One Year: Day 107 – God Smiles when He Sees Us

Joshua 15 / Luke 18:18-43/ Psalm 86 / Proverbs 13:9-10

There are a few verses in Psalm 86 that give me the sweetest picture of our relationship with God.  God is both to be feared and He is also near, and full of mercy.  Some friends and I were talking in a Zoom class Wednesday about the fear of the LORD.  It can be a tough subject to grasp because we’re used to looking at fear from a human perspective. 

There is fear that causes me to be afraid or in terror of something or someone, and there is fear of the LORD, which is reverence and awe.  We should not be afraid to approach God; He is always ready to listen to us and answer.  This is not the time of his judgment (that portion where life on earth has ended and we give an account for whether we are hidden in Christ or are accountable for our sins).  The time of judgment will be fearful for those who are not found in Christ, and yes, that will be terror.

As the Psalmist prayed, he asked for several things, and in the asking, I heard the heart of a child approaching a loving Father. 

Bend down, O LORD.

Hear my prayer.

Answer me – I need Your help.

Protect me.

Save me.

Be merciful to me.

Give me happiness.

All I can think of when I read this is my little grandgirl Heritage coming and asking me for something.  When she comes, there is nothing I won’t give her – well, unless it would be harmful!  My heart melts, a smile comes over my face and I want to wrap her in my arms.  Trust me, God is the same way! 

His love is perfect.  His mercy is unending.  He smiles and His heart warms when we approach Him.  How do I know?  I just do!  He’s not an angry, mean God waiting to bop us over the head for all our mistakes.  We don’t bop our children and grandchildren and we are imperfect humans.  How much more will God give us His kindness and love?! 

If you haven’t prayed in a while, verses 1-7 of Psalm 86 would be a great place to start.  If you’re not sure what to say when you pray, praying from the Bible is helpful and powerful.  You’ll be praying truth and perfection because you’ll be praying God’s own words back to Him.

If you find a favorite verse to pray, would you please share that with me?  And please, pray to see God as He is – a loving Father, ready to hear every prayer!

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