Read the Bible in One Year: Day 112 – Pass Along what You are Learning

Joshua 24 / Luke 21:1-28 / Psalm 89:38-52 / Proverbs 13:20-23

Legacyinheritancebelieving God’s promisestrusting His Wordnot backing down – not giving up – we have a responsibility.

Moses has moved into eternity, and now Joshua has as well.  The one who led God’s people out of Egypt and the one who believed God when He saw the Promised Land are gone.  Those who saw God deliver them from the Egyptians and be faithful to them in the desert years are passing into eternity.  Have they faithfully passed along the stories of God’s deliverance?  Who will now lead God’s people?

It appears that though Moses raised up Joshua to lead after his death, Joshua did not appoint and train one main leader to carry on the role after his death.  It appears as if the tribes each have a leader, the Levites have their towns, but there is no one reminding God’s people of His laws and His love.  

We know from history that the people of Israel eventually begin following the gods of the nations they were supposed to dispossess.  And God warned them that if they did not wipe out these people, their false gods would be a snare.  As a matter of fact, the practices of these nations still affect us today.  Our obedience matters!

And our leadership matters.  I am not called simply to lead God’s people, I’m called to mentor, equip and activate those around me to accomplish their calling.  I’m responsible to look around me, to see who is coming behind me – those who will continue after me – and prepare them to continue the message.  If we are not doing this, we are doing our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ a terrible disservice.

Not only am I to be growing in Christ, but I am also to be mentoring others to grow in Christ.  Both are important.  If I’m growing, but not assisting others in their growth, I’m missing half of my responsibility. 

And we must all look at life this way!  We don’t exist only for ourselves.  We exist to bring God glory and the best way we do that is by obeying and loving Him and teaching others to do the same. 

What do you have to offer?  What has God given you?  What are you doing with what He has given?  I encourage you to find these answers, let me know if you need support and let’s do this together! 

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