Read the Bible in One Year: Day 124 – Lift Others up To Excel

Judges 19-20 / John 3:22-4:3 / Psalm 104:24-35 / Proverbs 14:22-24

I am so blessed by John’s attitude when he said of Jesus, “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.”  How many of us would say the same of those around us?  If you are in ministry as my husband and I are, it should be your greatest joy to see those around you excel far above where you see yourself.  My experience has not always been this. 

I remember when my children were small that I was praying for them one day – I prayed for them often.  As I prayed, I was excited to identify their gifts, gifts that were being passed down from the generations.  One of our generational gifts is that of gathering people for the purpose of identifying and activating their gifts.  I prayed that God would bless them in the same measure He had blessed those who had gone before them, including their parents. 

I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “No!  You pray for an INCREASE of the gifts as the generations go by!”  I was immediately struck with the weight of what God’s Spirit was sharing with me and I absolutely complied.  Now I find myself praying this for all those God brings into our lives.  I truly want to see those we are mentoring become everything God has placed within them. 

In our home church, we are regularly seeing people activated in their gifts and it blesses me more than anything to see the smiles on their faces as God uses them to be a blessing to the body!  My life is so full.  I look around me each week, pinching myself and asking, “Is this really my life?!”  I am so blessed to be walking in my calling of equipping God’s body.

What about you?  Do you enjoy assisting others as they find their gifts and callings?  Or are you threatened by their success?  We must realize that when all of us are operating as called, God is most glorified and the people around us are coming to know Jesus Christ.  Isn’t that the point of our lives?  To encourage those around us and to bring God glory?  Love God.  Love People.  That sums up our hearts at Bethesda Springs. 

Let me encourage you today to lose your inhibitions, and your insecurities and ask God to help you rejoice when those around you are excelling!  I promise the joy it will bring you is immeasurable! 

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