Read the Bible in One Year: Day 14 – Freely Give Away What You Have

Genesis 30:1-31:16 / Matthew 10:1-23 / Psalm 12 / Proverbs 3:13-15

Each day before I read, I ask the Lord to help me see what He wants me to see.  Some days it’s many thoughts and some days it’s few; some days many words, and some days few.  Today, one phrase grabbed my heart as I read and asked God what He had for me.    

“Freely you have received, freely give.”

But how many are willing to do that?  I’ve met some of the most generous people in my 58 years, and I’ve also met some very self-centered people.  At this point in life, I’ve learned to gravitate toward the generous and away from the selfish. 

My family has lived a long life of giving freely – all of us!  We learned it from my parents, and Jeff and I passed this to our children and now this freely give is being passed to our grandchildren.  Because as followers of Jesus, there is no other way to live.

Now, that does not mean we don’t have boundaries.  Oh, we do!  Thus, me gravitating toward and away from people.  I much prefer to invest into strong, healthy relationships where there is giving and taking on both sides.  As a matter of fact, you won’t likely find me investing otherwise. 

What have I been freely given that I want to freely give?  Love.  Acceptance.  Forgiveness.  Understanding.  A listening ear.  Compassion.  Advice when asked for.  Laughter.  Boundaries.  The list could go on and on because we are RICH in the areas that matter most!

So, what have you been freely given?  And what might you be able to freely give today?

Ask God for His input on this question and get out there and give your life away.  I say there is no other way to live. 

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