Read the Bible in One Year: Day 143 – I Love a God Adventure!

2 Samuel 2:12-3:39 / John 13:1-30 / Psalm 119:1-16 / Proverbs 15:29-30

Have you ever met someone who calls themselves a Christian, but they seem miserable, sad or angry all the time?  I’ve met some grumpy Christians.  I’m not talking about someone who’s having a bad day as we all do.  I have tons of grace for bad days!  I’m talking about the person that you spend time getting to know them and they just can’t seem to have a good day.

Aren’t Christians supposed to be grateful that their sins are forgiven and that they belong to Christ?  Yes, they are.  None of this negates a bad day or a bad season.  We all have seasons that are long and hard, and seasons that are sweet and rewarding.  But at the core, I’m happy, not because my life is perfect, but because I have been made right with God.

That’s part of why I enjoyed Psalm 119:1-2 Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD.  Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. 

The word joyful also means happy and blessed.  People of integrity are those who do what is right, wanting to please God. 

Those who don’t know God think being in relationship with Him is boring.  Can I tell you I’ve found the opposite to be true?  I’ve had so many adventures since I was saved at 5!  For one thing, I’m able to listen to God and He helps me navigate tough decisions and seasons.  I don’t have to walk alone.  Yes, most of the times I have at least one person walking with me, but there are times when the thing I’m dealing with is lonely.

An example of that would be the pain I’ve walked through the past 23 years.  There have been people with me, and they have been kind, compassionate and supportive, but no one can truly understand the pain or the attached emotions quite like God can because He can read my heart and thoughts. 

We do our best as humans to support other humans, and I’m extremely thankful for the humans God has in my life LOL!  But there is also that aspect of the quiet place in my heart and mind and being able to totally trust that God sees me for exactly who I am, and He loves me perfectly just as I am.  He knows me better than I know myself, and He knows what I need to know and learn next to help me grow and mature into my purpose.

I definitely don’t always know what I need next!  There are times I’m at a complete loss as to where I should go or what I should do, and then I’ll hear a quiet whisper telling me the answer to my question.  And in that moment of hearing God’s voice, I’m confident He’s leading me in exactly the right way. 

This reminds me of part of the song OceansSpirit lead me where my trust is without borders – let me walk upon the waters – wherever you would call me…

Who says that is boring?  Not me…

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