Read the Bible in One Year: Day 148 – Jesus Wants You

2 Samuel 13 / John 17 / Psalm 119:81-96 / Proverbs 16:6-7

Does any of my readers remember the posters of Uncle Sam with the wording “I Want You!”?  The picture is a stern looking older man with white hair, a white top hat with blue band and white stars, a white shirt, blue jacket and red bowtie all meant to symbolize the United States of America. 

I remember this symbolization being popular when I was a child.  From the ages of about 6-12 when I lived in Newport News, VA our neighborhood had a 4th of July parade every year.  We decorated ourselves and our bicycles with red, white and blue.  It was so much fun!  We were always excited to celebrate our nation’s freedom with fireworks, picnics and parades! 

So, when I read part of Jesus’s prayer from John 17:24 I was struck by this same message of being wanted, although for very different reasons LOL!  Uncle Sam wanted me to serve my country; Jesus wants me because He loves me and wants to spend time with me.  Here is the verse:

Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am.  Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!

Jesus wants me simply so I may be with Him – in relationship with Him – getting to know and love Him as He already knows and loves me.  From reading the verse above, it seems that Jesus wants to share with us the experience of His Father’s glory.  And He appears to be very excited to allow us to see God’s glory. 

It’s a wonderful feeling to be wanted when we’re wanted because we’re loved and valued and not because someone wants something from us.  Jesus wants us to want to be with Him just because of Who He is and not only for the things He does for us.  Once again we’re back to the foundational theme of relationships and how important they are. 

You’re probably asking, “But doesn’t Jesus want something from us?”  Yes, but not in the way we’ve been taught by tradition.  He doesn’t want us to become good little boys and girls (or men and women) so we can look good.  He wants that relationship with us above any other thing. 

This post may sound a little bit like a “broken record”, but I hope you’re getting the point.  Our relationship with God is not about our performance; it’s about the joy of knowing Him.  Yes, that’s it.  The other things we experience with God are “arms” and “legs” of the relationship.  Jesus is the main thing

When we look for Him first, everything else follows – like obedience, forgiveness, etc.  We don’t have to “work” at these other things when we’re in love – they happen as the overflow of our love for God.   

So, let’s turn this prayer around and tell God, “I want You to be with me!” 

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