Read the Bible in One Year: Day 16 – Our Names Breathe Destiny

Genesis 32:13-34:31 / Matthew 11:7-30 / Psalm 14 / Proverbs 3:19-20

As Jacob wrestled with God, not willing to give up until God blessed him, his name was changed.  He went from being Jacob the supplanter (to supersede (another) especially by force or treachery) to Israel (God prevails). 

Was there anyone else in scripture whose name was changed?  There were several, but I want to focus only on those whose name was changed by God.

Abram (exalted father) became Abraham (father/chief of a multitude). 

Sarai (princess) became Sarah (noblewoman).

Lo-Ammi (not my people) was renamed Ammi (my people)

Lo-Ruhamah (no love or mercy) was renamed Ruhamah (to love deeply or have mercy)

Pashhur (freedom) was renamed Magor-missabib  (Terror on Every Side)

Simon (a rock or stone) was renamed Peter (stone)

Saul (desired) was renamed Paul (small or little)

As I ponder what it means to have your name changed – either by God, another person or yourself, I wonder what that means for our destiny? 

Maybe you’ve heard the story of how I got my name.  If not, in short, my dad named me long before he and my mom were married.  He knew his first child would be a daughter and her name would be Maria.  Maria has many meanings, but for this post, that doesn’t matter much.

Our names mark our destiny.  They are an intrinsic identity that causes us to think of ourselves a certain way – to carry ourselves through life a certain way.  Much like the words of others can either encourage or derail our destiny, our names can do the same. 

There is another naming that is even more important than our first names, and that is any name the Lord places on us as His people.  We are His treasured possessions, beloved, kings and priests, His bride, a holy temple, a remnant, a vessel unto honor, the apple of His eye and many more.  All the titles He calls us by are given with affection because He loves us so much.

God does things with great intention.  He calls us what He does to set destiny, hope and purpose in our hearts.  He names us for our success in His Kingdom and for His glory.

If you’d like, please share what your name means in the comments.  But above all remember, you are loved!

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