Read the Bible in One Year: Day 164 – Are You a Jesus Follower?

1 Kings 11:1-12:19 / Acts 9:1-25 / Psalm 131 / Proverbs 17:4-5

What we call ourselves – how we’re named or the groups to which we belong and with which we identify – is a big deal.  Our names speak identity and destiny.  The groups with whom we align ourselves speaks about our belief systems.  You know the old saying, “You’re known by the company you keep.”  My question to you is, “How are you known?”

How would you be identified?  For me, I have many titles or identities.  First, I’m Maria, and I’ve talked about the meaning of my name in a recent Word of the Week, which you’ll find here on my blog under the title Word of the Week – Maria.  I’m a daughter, wife, mom, Gigi, and many more things. 

I’m also a Christian, a Christ-follower, a Jesus-girl – and there are many more ways to say that.  That’s why I’m fascinated by Luke mentioning in the book of Acts that Saul was persecuting and arresting “any followers of the Way”.  In my research, I couldn’t find a definitive answer as to why Jesus followers were called The Way.

It is true that they were considered to be a sect – a smaller group who had broken away from the traditional teachings of the larger group.  Perhaps the religious leaders meant to insult those who were part of this group, but I happen to like the term.  Why?  Because Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”  If Jesus called Himself the Way, I’m good with His followers if they choose to adopt that title.

After Saul’s conversion and subsequent name change to Paul, he speaks in several verses throughout the book of Acts about how he used to persecute the followers of the Way.  But he also began to identify himself as one of those followers.  That’s a real change of tune!

I personally prefer to call myself a follower of Jesus.  Christians have unfortunately gotten a bad reputation because of the behavior of some.  I don’t agree with the bad name, because it should not be that way.  Christians should be “like Christ” in the earth – a representation of Him to everyone we meet.  Sadly, our mistakes have a way of following us around.

No matter how you refer to yourself in relation to your faith in Christ, I pray your representation of Him is one that models His life on earth.  He loved everyone He met.  He hung out with those no one else would.  And He changed lives everywhere He went! 

May you go and do the same!   

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