Read the Bible in One Year: Day 174 – God is a Multiplier

2 Kings 4:18-5:27 / Acts 15:1-35 / Psalm 141 / Proverbs 17:23

Some prefer to read the Old Testament, some prefer the New Testament, but I’m one who loves both!  Some say the God of the Old Testament was angry and short-tempered, while the God of the New Testament was kind, and full of Grace.  But if God is the same at all times, how can that be?

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

God does not change.  Yes, He is angry at sin.  And yes, He is full of Grace toward those who repent.  He is the same in all of scripture.  But today isn’t about His character.  I found a story I had previously missed.  You may remember that Jesus did many miracles in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) where He took a small amount of food and multiplied it to feed thousands of people.  He also made wine at a wedding – now that would have been fun to witness!

However, I had not seen the story where God multiplied food in the Old Testament, but it’s right there plain as day.  2 Kings 4:42-44 is a short story, but it’s an account where 10 loaves of barley bread were able to feed 100 people with bread leftover. 

In this case, it is the prophet Elisha who confidently led the scenario according to what the LORD had promised.  I don’t know whether we’ve ever had that happen personally.  I hope I didn’t miss a miracle!  There have certainly been times when it looked as if we wouldn’t have enough to feed everyone, and there have been times when we’ve run out and times when we’ve had more than enough.  Maybe I should start paying attention! 

Up until today, I thought God only multiplied food in the New Testament, but I can see that I was mistaken.  God, the God who does not change, was able to provide multiplication of resources throughout all of scripture.  And that tells me He can still do the same today. 

God also provided food while the children of Israel were wandering around in the desert.  He gave them manna (a sweet flaky substance), and at one point He gave them quail.  He provided water on several occasions when none could be found.  God provides for His people. 

So, whether you need food, clothing, shelter, healing or whatever, God has the ability to provide for what you need.  Sometimes we forget to ask Him for things that we see as mundane, but I believe He enjoys the small as well as the large miracles. 

What do you need today?  I think you should ask Him to provide for you.  When He does, will you share with me?  Or if He has already provided something, please share the story. 

One final thought, and this is one I’ve shared with my daughter Abigail several times.  God will also provide seed to those who sow.  Are you a giver?  God will give to you so you can give to others.  As you give away what you have, God will provide more.  You’ll always have enough and so will those around you.  I share this with Abigail because she is one of the largest sowers I know.  She gives and gives – it’s an incredible gift she has.  And guess what?  She always has more than enough for herself and those she loves.

So, after you’ve asked God to provide, find someone to whom you may give and give with all your heart, knowing that God will provide for your needs. 

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