Read the Bible in One Year: Day 18 – Hopes, Fears, Dreams

Genesis 37-38 / Matthew 12:22-45 / Psalm 16 / Proverbs 3:27-32

Have you ever shared a dream, hope or fear with a family member or friend only to be made fun of?  I’m sure we all have, and I’m sure we remember the sting of it.  Some of us when stung the first time, clam up and refuse to share further.  Others of us, will share again, hoping to be received differently.  I’ve done both. 

And that’s part of the pain and frustration of relationship.  We want to share our hearts with others, but when we do, we’re taking the risk of being hurt or rejected.  So, what should we do?

While I can’t really tell you whether to share or not, I can tell you that when God gives you something for yourself, you must decide in wisdom and discernment whether to share.  Not everyone is ready to hear what you have to say.  Sometimes a “wait and see” approach is best.

Poor Joseph was young and impulsive, so he kept sharing his dreams and it got him sold into slavery!  If you know the rest of the story, you know God used his situation to save his family, and his dreams literally came true.  But the family also suffered many years of estranged relationship, and Joseph’s father thought he was dead.

Jesus was also falsely accused and misunderstood.  He was accused of casting out demons by demons.  They basically accused Him of being on the wrong team.  He was the Son of God and was accused of being in league with the devil.  His response was to speak truthfully to the religious who didn’t know who He was.

I also think about Mary when she became aware in Luke 2:19 what was being said about her newborn Jesus.  The prophets, the angels, the shepherds – many knew who He was, but she took the words and kept them within her heart.  She chose not to share what God was revealing and allowed the story of Jesus’ life to unfold and be the proof of what she was hearing.

What about you?  What has God showed you about your life?  How have you chosen to process that?  Have you shared it with everyone?  A few trusted friends or family members?  Or have you kept it to yourself?

I pray God gives you wisdom and discernment concerning when to speak and when to stay quiet, waiting for Him to unfold the plan He has revealed.

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