Read the Bible in One Year: Day 187 – When Angry, Wait

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4 / Acts 24 / Psalm 4 / Proverbs 18:16-18

We’ve talked before about anger, and maybe I talk about it because it used to be a big issue for me.  I’ve learned much and grown over the years.  I still get angry at times but nothing like I used to.  Now my anger can be reasoned with, and I can usually come quickly to forgive whoever is involved.  I’m not saying it’s easy, but I realize anger solves absolutely nothing.

Psalm 4:4 states Don’t sin by letting anger control you.  Think about it overnight and remain silent. Interlude.

In reading that verse I noticed that anger is not the sin.  The sin is in letting anger control you.  Anger in this verse is quite descriptive in the original language.  The word is ragaz (raw-gaz) and means tremble, quake, rage, quiver, be agitated, be excited, be perturbed, be disquieted. 

I believe this verse is referring to anything that unsettles us without us resolving the issue.  It’s not a sin to feel this way; it is a sin to allow it to control your actions, thoughts and feelings.  The word sin is interesting.  In Hebrew the word for sin is hata (khaw-taw) and it means offended, blame, fault, miss the way, go wrong, to induce to sin, to cause to sin.

I love that the verse tells us to think about it overnight and remain silent.  To remain silent is daman (daw-man) and means to wait or to be still.   

Who out there wants to immediately rant and rave when someone has made you angry?  I get it.  I’m the same way!  BUT wisdom seems to be dictating that we close our mouth (except to pray, which is an important part of working through something that has unsettled us) and wait.  What are we waiting for? 

I believe we’re waiting for our hearts and minds to calm down, and we’re waiting for God’s instructions on how to handle the situation.  I promise He will not tell you to blast the other person, or to try to get them back for what they did.  If Jesus prayed from the cross for His Father to forgive those who were putting Him to death, I’m positive we can forgive anyone for what they’ve done.

It might take some time, and it may take more than one forgiveness session, but we are able to overcome this!  Remember it is for your freedom that you forgive.  The other person may never see what they did and that is not your concern.  Your concern is your own heart. 

The word interlude, or Selah, is a technical musical term probably showing accentuation, pause, or interruption.  So, after you’ve been quiet overnight, then wait some more… at least that’s what I’m reading, and I think waiting twice is a good idea! 

My advice when you’re angry, and God’s Word seems to agree, is to wait, pray, wait, forgive.  Hopefully that will keep you out of trouble!  LOL! 

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