Read the Bible in One Year: Day 19 – Hidden Preparation

Genesis 39:1-41:16 / Matthew 12:46-13:23 / Psalm 17 / Proverbs 3:33-35

It’s interesting that the dreamer has now become a dream interpreter.  It also seems as if he’s been humbled during his time in captivity and prison.  I don’t know how many years Joseph was held in Egypt, but it was a time of hidden preparation for the things God had called him to do. 

But even in the time of preparation God used him.  There is not a time in our lives, even the hidden times, when God is not speaking, requiring something from us and using us to advance His plan.  So be on the lookout for what He has for you to do!

That said, I’m sure Joseph went through a gambit of emotions from anger to frustration, from sadness to despair, from hope to fear. 

In reading Psalm 17, I wonder if Joseph’s prayers to God during his time in prison sounded a little like this chapter?  Did you know praying the Psalms can be powerful?  If you’re ever at a loss regarding what to pray, choose an appropriate Psalm!

O LORD hear my plea for justice.  Listen to my cry for help.  Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips.  Declare me innocent, for you see those who do right.

There is much more in the Psalm which would have been appropriate for Joseph to have prayed.  Please go finish reading it and see if there is something in there for you!

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