Read the Bible in One Year: Day 192 – The Richness of Friendship

1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18 / Acts 28 / Psalm 9:1-12 / Proverbs 19:1-3

I’ve had many friends over my lifetime.  There are some from childhood that I am still connected to but I rarely if ever see them.  I have friends all around the world as well as all over the United States.  I’ve lost friends.  I’ve gained new friends.  Most of the time friendships are a treasure and a blessing, but there are times when a misunderstanding must be worked out – forgiveness offered and received.

Imagine how David felt in 1 Chronicles 11-12 as he was being crowned King of all Israel after Saul’s death.  He had been in hiding from King Saul and I’m sure he lost and gained both friends and family relationships.  He even had men who were from Saul’s own family who came to him while in hiding and pledged allegiance to him.  I’m sure that made Saul happy…

I love the stories of David’s thirty mighty men, including The Three who were his top warriors.  They were brave, fearless, courageous and any other mighty word we could find to describe them.  But what I appreciate the most is that his men were loyal.  They came to David in a time of great need, and they vowed to stand by him.

1 Chronicles 12:18 Amasai, the leader of the Thirty, said to David on behalf of all the men, “We are yours, David!  We are on your side, son of Jesse.  Peace and prosperity be with you, and success to all who help you, for your God is the one who helps you.”

Who wouldn’t want a friend like that!  I have something I tell my family and friends, and I’ve even said this to God.  “I am yours and you are mine.”  This is not said in some weird ownership way.  It is said in a way such as to imply that I am willing to give my time, talent, treasure and heart to them and I’m excited for this to be a two-way friendship.

I have those in my life who only “take”, and that is not easy to understand.  I am such a giver that I can’t imagine someone giving to me on a continual basis without my heart being moved to give in return.  Therefore, those who are only takers end up seeing less of me.  I want to be around those who give and speak life in return for the life I am giving and speaking over them.

Friendship is hard work, but the rewards are worth every minute spent sowing into the lives of others.  And just like with any other area, I don’t give to get.  I give because that is my heart.  If you’re fortunate enough to be in my circle, you know what I mean.  As a matter of fact, I still find it hard to receive without wanting to give!  People must tell me that what they are giving is a gift, and I have to consciously thank them and stop myself from reciprocating.

That is the kind of person I want on the other end of my giving – one with whom it becomes a competition to see who can outgive the other!  I think life is richer when we live that way.  It can also get to be comical, because at some point one forgets who gave first and the giving is a never-ending, beautiful story.

That’s how it is with Jesus.  We love Him, but He loves us first.  We give our lives to Him, but He gave His life first.  Malachi 3:9-10 speaks about tithing, but I believe it could apply to all giving.  It says in verse 11 “Test me in this… and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

I believe God wants us to test Him as we give in every area because He wants to pour out blessing.  No matter what you give in His Name, He will always give an abundance back to you.  You simply cannot give more than God can give! 

So, love those friends.  Give them your life and everything that’s in your heart to give and watch your circle expand to be so large that you can’t believe how rich you are.  I am that rich.  And I believe God has only just begun to bless me!  I know He has surprises around every corner. 

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