Genesis 42:18-43:34 / Matthew 13:47-14:12 / Psalm 18 16-36 / Proverbs 4:7-10
There were two pieces in today’s reading that grabbed my heart and attention, and they are similar in feel and meaning to me. The first is Matthew 13:47 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind.” And the second is Psalm 18:16 “He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters.”
A net of fish of every kind speaks of all men and women being drawn in, so a global rescue. Conversely, in Psalm 18 it gets personal; He is rescuing me.
And that is the heart of God for all people. His heart is both to rescue nations and to rescue you and me.
Look at these verses from 2 Peter 3:8-9 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends; A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.
That’s the “big net” – everyone is drawn in and then the separation begins. (see verses 48-51 of Matthew 13)
Then as the separating begins, like we talked about with the wheat and the weeds (or chaff), everyone is separated as either wicked or righteous. What are the criteria?
There is only one criterion. The Son. Jesus Christ. Did you say, “Yes,” or did you say, “No?” Did you receive or reject His gift of salvation?
It’s never too late – at least as long as you’re alive.
I hope to share my story of having said, “Yes,” very soon! What about your story? Would you share?