Read the Bible in One Year Day 233 – Follow the Way of Love

Job 1-3 / 1 Corinthians 14:1-17 / Psalm 37:12-29 / Proverbs 21:25-26

When we love others, it is natural of us to want to give to and care for them.  If we can relieve another’s suffering, most of us would try to do our part, no matter how large or small.  I believe most of humanity is moved by the suffering of another.  It is the rare person who is so evil he cares nothing for his fellow human.

When we are secure in who we are and who God has created us to be, we also do our best to elevate others toward being their best and finding their place in life.  Each person has gifts, callings, and unique abilities.  Some believe that if another has their same gift and they are both operating within the same space, one of them is not needed.  I don’t believe that.

Even if I have the same gift as another, the expression of that gift will vary based on personality and life experiences.  I believe we are richer when we share and learn from one another as we find someone who is like ourselves.  I enjoy sitting with someone who is artistic and experiencing the diversity of their gift.  I also love being with another who is musically gifted and discovering how different their expression is from my own.

I wish we all had this attitude instead of treating each offering from another as a source of competition regarding our own expression.  There is space for everyone to operate and give.  Some have the mentality of scarcity and some the attitude of abundance.  Those who think in terms of abundance enjoy all the expressions of others being shared without feeling threatened.

1 Corinthians 14:1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit…  verse 3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 

When I am loving others, I will want to use my gifts to bless them.  The blessings others receive from me are strength, courage, and comfort.  I also believe that as we share our gifts, the giving bounces back into our own souls and we receive a blessing along with others. 

If all of us give what we have, no one will lack anything.  That’s one thing I enjoy about a healthy church community; everyone comes with the attitude of giving away what they have to others.  That way no one comes away empty.  As a matter of fact, a true community of believers sharing together is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling experiences. 

The next time you’re preparing to meet with other Jesus followers, consider what you might bring of yourself to share with others.  A smile, a hug, a song, a scripture, and encouraging word, a food item, anything really.  Whatever it is you do well, bring that!  Everyone will love the richness of your time together!

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