Read the Bible in One Year Day 235 – You Can Learn the Easy Way

Job 8-11 / 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 / Psalm 38 / Proverbs 21:28-29

Have you ever tried to ignore a bully?  They taunt, they laugh, they jab; they are just plain mean.  If you can avoid giving them the time of day, they will leave you alone.  Bullies thrive on making people upset, on watching our reaction to their irritating threats. 

When my kids were little, and even still today I tell them this, I told them to ignore it when others tried to irritate them.  If someone is working to frustrate you and you don’t give in, you’ve won!  They will get tired of your lack of willingness to play the game and they will move on.  Don’t get me wrong, you must have nerves of steel to ignore some people, but if you do, they will eventually go away.

Psalm 38:12-16 states Meanwhile, my enemies lay traps to kill me. Those who wish me harm make plans to ruin me. All day long they plan their treachery. But I am deaf to all their threats. I am silent before them as one who cannot speak. I choose to hear nothing, and I make no reply. For I am waiting for you, O Lord. You must answer for me, O Lord my God. I prayed, “Don’t let my enemies gloat over me or rejoice at my downfall.”

Not only is the Psalmist refusing to hear or respond, but he is also asking God to take care of the situation.  Imagine the bully taunting and you withdrawing into the Spirit within you in prayer.  Certainly, walk away, if possible, but try to find that place of peace in the Holy Spirit when outward irritations are threatening to make you say some not very nice words! 

As one who loves to read, I have this habit of escaping into the world of whatever book I’m reading.  As I escape, I’m not always aware of what’s happening around me.  When I was in middle and high school, I used to stay up late reading books and I would imagine myself in the story.  I would lose all track of time and space and I became a part of what I was reading. 

There have been times someone in my family is talking to me while I’m reading, and I don’t even hear them until they touch my arm.  What if we could somehow do that with the bullies?  Not hear, not see, not even be aware that they exist.  Truthfully, if they are that mean and antisocial, they probably could use some ignoring to perhaps wake them up to their evil ways! 

Some people don’t respond well or at all to correction, so it becomes a waste of your breath and time to attempt to speak to them.  Some of us need circumstances and consequences to smack us upside the head before we realize we need to change our behavior.  I wish we could all learn lessons the easy way, but many prefer, by default, the hard road toward growth.

Which are you?  Are you one who is humble and easily corrected, or are you stubborn, preferring to learn the hard way?  I’ve heard people say they prefer to learn by being beat around by life.  Not me!  I would much rather be humble, not easily offended, and able to learn when someone comes to me in love to share something that will help me grow. 

As you do your personal assessment, if you find that you’ve been stubborn, repent and ask God to give you a pliable heart.  None of us must be hard to teach or have difficulty learning the life lessons we need.  We can always choose to be humble, learn quickly, and see major growth in our lives. 

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