Job 12-15 / 1 Corinthians 15:29-58 / Psalm 39 / Proverbs 21:30-31
It’s important to give credit where credit is due. If you’ve done the hard work on a project, your name deserves to be highlighted so others will know your contribution. Many times, projects are worked on by a team of people which means the team will receive credit regardless of what part each member played.
As we work in our jobs, around our homes and in our churches, there is one credit we must remember to give and that is to God. The glory is forever and always is His. We could not do what we do unless He had given us life and breath. We could not accomplish any task unless He had blessed us with the skills, gifts and talents needed.
You probably remember an entry from my Word of the Week series that reminded us how every good and perfect gift comes down from our Father who created the lights in the sky. In that post, I concluded what I had previously believed, and that is all credit goes to God first. Every accomplishment of mine is credited back to Him because of His gifts and partnership in my life.
Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.
All the victory, the credit and the glory belong to the Lord, but that does not mean I’m permitted to be lazy. I must plan, prepare, and do the hard work God has given me. I must be faithful and diligent to accomplish the tasks He puts before me. Am I a business owner? I must manage my business and employees well, honoring God in my choices and showing love to the people around me.
Am I a stay-at-home parent, responsible for my home and children? I must work just as hard as if I were outside the home and being paid by an employer. Why? Because I am employed for this calling by God, and He wants me to work at this “job” with all my heart as unto Him.
Am I employed by a company? I must work for that company with integrity, giving them my best while on the clock. After all, I not only want to earn a living to support my family, but I also want to honor God’s Name in my work. If I haven’t covered your situation, I believe what I have covered will give you an idea of faithfulness in our work.
How does that equate for being prepared for battle? Most of us will never “go off to war” of face physical battles, but we do face human and spiritual battles and we must be prepared to stand strong in every situation. Planning, preparation, good use of our time, treasure, and talents – all of these are important.
Have you ever met a lazy person who would not work, plan, or prepare? It is right for that person to suffer loss and lack, even though that hurts our hearts to watch. Hard work and preparation certainly do pay off. But again, the victories in our lives belong to the Lord because He is the One who has given us all things. When I’m praised for something, I’ve done well, it is right to receive the praise with thanks. However, do not forget to turn around and thank the Lord for His gifts that allowed you to show up well.
I’m reminded of another verse. Isaiah 42:8 NRSV I am the LORD, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. God is not in the habit of sharing His glory (honor, reputation). He is God and His being is unlike any other. We are not able to receive the honor that belongs to God. It would ruin us. That is what Lucifer wanted – God’s glory for himself – and it destroyed him.
To sum up: planning and preparation are important. After having sought counsel from God, be always ready for all things, armed with the wisdom He gives. When you receive praise for something you’ve done well, respond in humility. Be thankful for the praise but remember where everything you have and all of who you are came from.
If you’ll handle the credits and praises in your life this way, you’ll do well. I also believe God will promote you, giving you more responsibility because He will know He can trust you. With promotions, stay humble. With increase in wealth, stay humble. With praise of others, stay humble.