Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10 / Matthew 16:13-17:9 / Psalm 21 / Proverbs 5:1-6
There were so many fascinating and interesting portions in my reading today, but one passage in Matthew stood out more than the rest. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how important it is to align my ways with God’s ways. We’ll talk more about it in our next Wheat or Chaff show, but the truth is there are many voices in the world today and they are all saying so many different things.
Which of these sayings are true? How do I know to whom or to what I should listen?
Honestly, I’ve had to forego most of what comes my way, both because it’s overwhelming, but also because I am searching hard to find God’s voice in all the noise!
That’s why several verses in Matthew caught my attention. Please review chapter 16, verses 21-23 for context.
This is a familiar passage which may seem harsh of Jesus, because of the way He speaks to Peter, but His words are necessary for us to hear. I want to focus on two phrases.
The first: “You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.”
And second: 17:5 “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to Him.”
Are you interested in simplifying your life? Do you want to reduce anxiety, fear, and dread? Then I encourage you to listen to the voice of the Spirit of God!
Turn off the TV. Turn off the radio. Tune into the Holy Spirit. What is He saying to you as His dearly loved daughter? I promise you there is no fear in what He says. I promise you there is hope in what He says.
And that is what we all need right now. We must not come into alignment with either the kingdoms of this world or the kingdom of our enemy satan. And trust me, all of these kingdoms have a message to share.
Choose the message and voice of Truth. It may take active and fierce discipline to do this, but you will thank me and yourself for the effort!
Today, I pray that all voices except the voice of your Father in heaven would be silenced. I pray the Father’s voice cuts through all others and brings you the hope and peace we all so desperately need right now.
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