Read the Bible in One Year Day 253 – I Am Not Afraid

Isaiah 6-7 / 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 / Psalm 54 / Proverbs 23:1-3

I love a good thunderstorm.  I love the sights, the sounds, and that intense rumble that shakes the inside of my soul as the thunder reverberates through the atmosphere.  I have several thunderstorm stories.  I’m not sure why I’m not afraid of storms because one childhood event should have been enough to make me fearful.  Maybe it is the grace of God I’m not afraid.

When I was about 10 years old, my sister and I attended a Girl Scout horseback riding camp.  We were so excited!  That was so many years ago that I don’t remember much about the camp.  I do remember they had oatmeal for breakfast – yuck!  I also remember the day we were out with the horses and a thunderstorm was heard in the distance. 

I can’t remember what we did with the horses, but we made our way into the tack house to wait out the storm.  The room was filled with little girls huddled and waiting for the storm to end.  My sister and I were leaned up against a Coke machine.  The next thing we heard was a loud “crack” and then I remember being thrown across the room and blacking out for a few seconds.

The camp nurse said both my sister and I had entrance and exit burns from the electricity that had passed through our bodies.  Lightening had struck the tree outside, gone through the underground wiring, up through the Coke machine and into our little girl bodies.  We were so sick that night.

We were moved into the counselors’ cabin so they could watch us, making sure we were okay.  That night for dinner we had a new treat – no bake cookies, and my sister and I got to taste the cookies before dinner since we were in a room connected to the mess hall.  That was one bright moment after our horrifying experience.

When I read Isaiah 6:1-4 about the seraphim with six wings flying above the throne and that at the sounds of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke, I can imagine the rumbling that was created.  I’m sure that scene is much more intense and terrifying than a thunderstorm, but I also have a feeling I know a little of what it would have been like to be in the throne room of Heaven. 

The doorposts and thresholds were shaking…  there was a rumbling…  and I can imagine the thunder that would make me smile and giggle at the sound.  I am not afraid.  Would I be in awe to see this Heavenly sight?  Yes, I know I would be.  But I also wonder if it would be familiar to me. 

One year on vacation at the beach in Florida, I sat outside during a thunderstorm just so I could watch the dark clouds, see the lighting, and feel the thunder.  One thunderclap was so loud that I jumped and screamed, and then I giggled.  The power that is contained in a storm is nothing compared to the power that is within and surrounding our Mighty God.  Yet, I am also not afraid of Him.  His love in powerful, yet kind.  I feel safe with the power of who God is.  I feel protected, watched over. 

I feel that similar powerful rumble during a large worship gathering when the bass is reverberating throughout the building.  There is something about those low musical sounds that are very comforting to me.  I wonder if Heaven will be a little like that.  I wonder if I will be in awe of the greatness of God.  I’m sure I will be.  But I will not be afraid. 

I have felt a small portion of His power and it is not a fearful thing to me.  His power is comforting.  His power is that of a protective Father.  That of one who sees His loved one being harmed and comes quickly to the rescue.  I am not afraid. 

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