Read the Bible in One Year: Day 27 – Is the Bible Funny?

Exodus 4:1-5:21 / Matthew 18:1-20 / Psalm 22:19-31 / Proverbs 5:15-21

Today’s reading caught my humorous side!  Sometimes when I’m reading, I put myself into the scene trying to imagine what it must have looked like.  I tend to read the Bible, putting a “holy” spin on it (and maybe you do the same thing), but the truth is the people in the Bible were just like us!

They got angry, sad, did stupid things, etc.  I bet they even rolled their eyes LOL

The funny part in today’s reading was when God told Moses to throw his staff down on the ground and it became a snake.  I would have been running and screaming!  What did Moses do?  He jumped back

Imagine Moses at about 80 years old by now.  He sees his staff turn into a snake and jumps back!  LOL, I can’t help it.  This is hilarious to me.  I wonder what his face looked like.  I wonder if he screamed like a girl. 

The point of today’s entry is what I mentioned above.  The people in the Bible were just like us.  They were living the story as it came and someone, several people, wrote the history down for all of us to read.

What might your story look like?  I’m sure it would be a combination of ups and downs, highs, and lows.  You know – the good, the bad and the ugly.  We ALL have that in our stories, contrary to the personas we have created on social media.

That leads me to an appeal that we be real in our relationships with others.  I’ll say it again, we’ve been walking through a season of terrible loss and grief.  No one says we’re doing it perfectly, but one thing we’re not doing is ignoring it.  No, we’re talking about it every day. 

That’s something we must do; process the things we’re going through.  We cannot stuff down our emotions and feelings and expect to be healthy. 

If you have anything unprocessed emotionally today, I pray you’re able to talk to someone about it and get some healing for your soul.


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