Read the Bible in One Year Day 273 – Do You Know Your Life Mandate?

Isaiah 60:1-62:5 / Philippians 1:27-2:18 / Psalm 72 / Proverbs 24:11-12

Do you know the gift and call of God on your life?  The mandate He has given while you’re here on earth? Yesterday, I shared part of my journey of becoming Still the Mom.  Today I want to share about the calling on my life.  I don’t remember when I knew, but I knew.  Every time I read these verses the Lord highlights them to me.  Then a brand-new friend, upon first meeting me, prophesied these same verses over me.  I love it when God confirms His word!

Isaiah 61:1-3 NLT The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released, and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory.

I know I’m not the only one with this calling.  Perhaps this is also your calling; those with similar callings have a way of finding one another.  There is a five-fold calling and mandate for those who have heard the Isaiah 61 message. I want to list the five mandates, then explain further so you know what God has given you for yourself and others.  Remember, the anointing is first for yourself, and then for others. 

First, we are told to bring “good news to the poor”.  What is the good news, and who are the poor?  When we bring this good news, we are “preaching salvation” (basar in Hebrew) to those who are “weak, afflicted, and needy” (anav in Hebrew).  Those who are without Christ have nothing of value either within them from which to draw.  They are left completely alone and without resources.  Our first place of service is to bring them the message of Jesus Christ.

Second, we are told to “comfort the brokenhearted”.  What does comfort look like, and who are the brokenhearted?  When we comfort in this way we are bringing “healing to the wounds” (habas) of those who have been “shattered or crushed within their soul” (sabar leb).  I’ve been in this place and the Lord graciously brought friends into my life who He used to bring healing to my soul.  Now I’m bringing healing to the souls of others.

Third, we are told to “proclaim release to captives.”  What does it mean to be released, and who are the captives?  When we proclaim release to captives, we are “speaking aloud (qara) the message of freedom (deror) to those who have been kidnapped (my word but taken from saba).” We must use our words to proclaim out loud freedom for those who have been taken against their will, either physically or emotionally, or both.  The real pandemic in our time is trafficking, and we must declare freedom in the Spirit, and find out what we can do in the natural to support the effort toward freedom for those who have been wrongly used.  We can no longer say we did not know.

Fourth, we are told to “proclaim that prisoners will be freed.”  How is that different from freedom for the captives?  Let’s find out! This is my summation after reading the definitions for prisoners (asar) and freed (peqah qoah).  We are to bring truth that will open the eyes of the one who was taken prisoner by the lies of the enemy.  The nature of deception is that the one who is deceived does not realize she is deceived.  We must, with the help of Holy Spirit, bring light to this one in darkness.

Fifth, we are told to “tell those who mourn that the Lord’s favor has come, and His anger is poured out on their enemies”. What is mourning?  What is the Lord’s favor?  And what does it look like for God’s anger to be released against our enemies? These are my words: those who are mourning due to the death of someone they love or because of some sort of calamity that entered their lives (abal) are to be encouraged that the Lord’s favor is being declared over them.  God’s favor is His pleasure and delight.  It’s as if His blessing is being spoken over them even while they are grieving, perhaps meant to draw them through the difficult season.

Finally, what about God’s anger being released on our enemies?  I’m certainly ready to see some of that, and I’m sure you are as well! The dictionary definition of vengeance is
punishment inflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.  Remember the scripture that tells us not to seek revenge and that vengeance belongs to the Lord? (Romans 12:19).  Take that to heart when you’ve been wronged.

This information is a lot to digest, so I hope you’ll read through it again.  It helped clarify my calling, so I hope it did the same for you.  Be strong in the Lord, and partner with Him to do the things He’s given you – those good works He intended for you from before He created you (Ephesians 2:10)

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