Read the Bible in One Year Day 277 – Being Thankful

By Debra Franklin-Rothrock

Jeremiah 2:31-4:18/Colossians 1:1-17/Psalm 76:1-12/Proverbs 24:21-22

            You know, sometimes it gets rough on this roller coaster of life. Traveling around the sun, twenty-four-seven, facing day-to-day emergencies, you know; fender benders, power outages, burned dinners, and little fingers with big owies… it is easy to be discouraged! Facing the bigger challenges like; broken relationships, sickness, and dying, we can become hurt, bitter, or angry. On this planet of problems, it is easy not to be thankful.

            I thank God that we belong to Christ, and we have a hope and a future.[1] There is one whose love allowed Him to freely and willingly sacrifice His life for our complete salvation. Not only that, He provided us with, a personal advocate, teacher, and helper: His Holy Spirit. His job description includes comforting and being with us forever.[2] Receiving this reality in our lives helps us remember we have much to be thankful for.

            However, the problem is not only that we fail to express our gratitude; we frequently don’t acknowledge the forgiveness for which we should be thankful.

            In today’s scripture reading from Jeremiah, God complains: “Yet my people have forgotten me…”[3].  Israel had wandered after false gods. He reminded them: “I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride[4] Still, with all of His hurt, He showed them compassion: Return, faithless Israel, declares the Lord. I will not look on you in anger[5]. Then He states the prerequisite: the attitude required for intimacy:   “Only acknowledge your guiltthat you rebelled against the Lord your God.”[6]
            There are many applications of God’s nature expressed in these few verses; His compassionate and forgiving nature, Israel’s lack of appreciation, the necessary conditions for a relationship with God, and being grateful, to name a few.

            Today we’ve focused on thankfulness; it’s an underlying theme throughout our entire reading today and a common theme throughout the Bible. It is necessary to experience an abundant life.

            Do we get so caught up in the details of living life that we forget that God is good? Do we miss the fact that God daily steps into our lives and experiences? He straightens our paths, He hems us in behind and before, His hand is upon us.[7] Are we conscious of this happening? Do we look for opportunities to thank Him? In general, just by beinga Christian, we have so much to be thankful for.

            But what about when we mess up? We know He is faithful and just to forgive us from all unrighteousness.[8] However, can we admit that we need his forgiveness? Can we acknowledge our guilt? It is so easy to overlook our own mistakes, especially when noticing those of others. (See Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew for further insight.[9] ) If we never admit our mistakes how can we be thankful for his forgiveness?     

            It is crucial that we have a grateful heart; that we appreciate what the Lord has done. In Jeremiah, the Lord goes on to promise his repentant people: “I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” [10]

            Thank you, Lord!

             You are a good God!

[1] Jeremiah 29:11, English Standard Version, (ESV)

[2] John 14:16, Paraphrased

[3] Jeremiah 2:32, English Standard Version, (ESV)

[4] Jeremiah 2:2, English Standard Version, (ESV)

[5] Jeremiah 3:12, English Standard Version, (ESV)

[6] Jeremiah 3:13, English Standard Version, (ESV)

[7] See Psalms 139

[8] 1 John 1:9, Paraphrased

[9] Matthew 7:5

[10] Jeremiah 3:15, English Standard Version, (ESV)

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