Read the Bible in One Year: Day 29 – Open Up, Ancient Doors

Exodus 8-9 / Matthew 19:13-30 / Psalm 24 / Proverbs 6:1-5

Has any of you noticed as you read the Exodus account of the plagues that the first three affected God’s people, but the last seven did not?  I can’t tell you why God allowed the first three to affect them, but I do find it interesting that as God is showing Himself powerful among the Egyptians – as He is working through Moses to free His people from slavery – He is creating a division between those who are His and those who are not.

Sometimes as God’s people we’re affected by all the things in the world, and sometimes God spares us.  It will be interesting to get to Heaven one day and see how much He kept from coming our way simply because we belong to Him.  I have a feeling it’s more than we realize. 

Some don’t understand how a loving God would allow suffering.  Evil is present and it is evil that affects our world and the people in it with suffering and pain.  This is a temporary condition though, because in Heaven there will be no more pain! 

I’ve been pondering our role in governing on the earth.  And the Lord and I have been talking about the fact that it is our job as the Church to bring Heaven to the earth.  We are meant to exert influence, to be those who stand in the gap for our families, friends, and our nation.  I wonder if the world might look different had we fully understood our authority.  Would we have been able to negate some of that pain and suffering by being God’s conduits? I think it would be fascinating to find out! 

Psalm 24 tells us that the earth is the Lord’s.  It tells us that He is strong and mighty, invincible in battle.  Verse 9 states “Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.”  What if we are those ancient doors that are to open and allow the King of glory to enter our lives and bear influence around us?  If we’re in Christ, we are carriers of His presence and glory.  Do we hide that presence, or do we release it on the earth around us?

Today, I’m attempting to cause you to think – to ask God what your role on the earth is to be.  Lord, am I a door for your presence on the earth?  Is my door open so that others may receive from You? 

I guess now you have little window into my thoughts, and hopefully you’re thoughts are stirred as well!

Open up your door…

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