Read the Bible in One Year Day 302 – Take the Wood Off the Fire

Lamentations 1-2 / Philemon / Psalm 101 / Proverbs 26:20

Perhaps all of us have been guilty of the sin of gossip, talebearing, slander, spreading rumors or stories, or whatever one might term this behavior. Sometimes the gossip is hidden in the desire to share a “prayer need” with another. Sometimes the story is outright information that should not be shared with another. Sometimes the information is true, sometimes it is skewed by our own opinion, and sometimes it’s an outright lie.

It’s a good rule of thumb that unless the person who is the topic of conversation is present and requesting that the information be shared for the sake of their freedom or healing, it should never be shared. Yes, I am boldly saying that. I have unfortunately been the recipient of some who believe it’s okay to spread stories, rumors, and lies behind my back to others. And let me tell you, it’s hurtful and I’ve had to forgive many times.

No matter the motive for sharing, the listener will find themselves tainted toward the object of gossip. The listener may also develop a poor opinion of the person speaking the gossip, so beware. You may think you’re not ruining your own reputation by spreading rumors, but I promise you are.

It’s crazy to consider that one person would treat another that way, but it happens all the time. I believe it’s time for some Holy Spirit conviction on the matter. You may remember that we’ve talked about the damage our words can do. This is an instance; gossip: when words are being used to tear down and destroy another human being who God loves.

Don’t let yourself get caught in this trap! If you want to talk about someone, tell the good parts. Lift that person up. Confirm their good character, generous deeds, and heart. Find something good to say or say nothing at all. As usual, one of today’s verses has me considering this subject.

Proverbs 26:20 New Living Translation, (NLT):Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down.” And because The Passion Translation, (TPY) is also a favorite, here is that verse again:It takes fuel to have a fire—a fire dies down when you run out of fuel. So, quarrels disappear when the gossip ends.”

That’s quite the picture of wood on the fire because one can easily imagine that the more wood added, the greater the fire. When wood is no longer added, the fire eventually dies down and goes out. Therefore, we must stop adding wood to the fire of gossip. If you’ve been guilty of the sin of gossip, go to the one you have injured or poisoned and ask forgiveness.

The words cannot be taken back, and they have already caused damage, but you can certainly pray that God will heal and repair the damage that has been done. He can do that. He can help you clean up the mess left behind for the harmful words spoken. You’ll have to be bold and take the initiative in repairing the situation. First, you’ll have to admit you were wrong for the words spoken. It will take humility, swallowing that pride and that is not an easy task, but your soul will feel so much better!

When we repent and ask forgiveness for sin, our souls feel so much lighter. 1 John 1:9 says, “But if we freely admit our sins when his light uncovers them, He will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just to forgive us our sins because of Christ, and He will continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (TPT)

When God says, “Light uncovers that you have sinned” it is a powerful statement. God uncovers sin in us because He sees the damage sin does to our souls. He knows that sin creates death in us, and He wants us to experience His abundant life. Repent from sin and choose life. Not only will those you are hurting be glad you’ve changed the way you think, but you also will be happier.

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