Read the Bible in One Year Day 303 – The Lord’s Great Love

Lamentations 3 / Hebrews 1 / Psalm 102 / Proverbs 26:21-22

Yesterday we talked about the sin of gossip. Today I want to bring comfort to you. Once we’ve been confronted with our sin, the Lord will always try to bring love and strength to us, so we won’t become discouraged about our imperfections. Most are painfully aware of their shortcomings and not always as aware of how loved they are.

Romans 5:8, in The Passion Translation, (TPT):But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!”

God didn’t wait for us to figure out we were sinners and separated from Him to provide a way for us to escape from our chains. He saw us in our dirt and with our evil hearts, and He had compassion on us. The Father sent the Son when we could do nothing to free ourselves from bondage.

John 3:16 says: “For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” (TPT)

God loved the world when we were a terrible mess, and we had no idea of how awful we were in our sin. That’s some pretty amazing love! I’m still in awe that God doesn’t love me because of how wonderful I am. He loves me because He created me, and I am His. The same is true for you. You cannot be more wonderful and cause Him to love you more – He loves you fully as you are. Let that sink in.

Today I want to highlight Lamentations 3:22-24 in the New International Version, (NIV): “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.’”

Even if you have sinned today, made a mistake, or were imperfect, He still loves you! Your sin does not remove His love. Jesus died on the cross to pay for every sin you have, do, and will commit. Forgiveness is always available so that you are free to walk away from that sin. I encourage you to walk away because as you walk, you will find love, healing, and freedom.

All of us are looking for peace: for our hearts not to be burdened down by grief, sorrow, tragedy, and evil. There is only one place to find true peace and that is in being confident you are loved unconditionally by the Father. And you are! Believe it. Receive it. Walk-in it.

Because of His love, you will not be consumed, you will not die, you will not be overrun by evil. His compassions never fail. What are His compassions? They are His tender love. Also, in Strong’s Concordance, the definition we find for this word refers to the womb and the cherishing of that baby in the womb. That’s very powerful love!

What does it mean for you to realize the Father loves you and to say: “He is your portion?”

The word Portion in the Strong’s Concordance means: “my share, my territory, my possession.” In other words: ‘God is mine. I am His and He is mine.” I love that! I’ve said before to the community of Jesus lovers around me that you are mine and I am yours. I had not yet considered that the same could be said for Jesus Christ. Beautiful!

May you know, receive, and walk-in His great love today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life. Be blessed!

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