Read the Bible in One Year Day 337 – Go Agape Someone

Daniel 11:2-35 / 1 John 3:7-24 / Psalm 122 / Proverbs 29:1

Have you ever thought about whether you would give your life for someone else if that was required? It’s a sobering thought. We know Jesus Christ gave His life for ours. Maybe you’ve considered that you would be willing to die if it saved someone you loved. Maybe you’re not sure how you would respond if you met with this type of choice; I can certainly understand that!

1 John 3:16 in the New Living Translation, NLT, says this: “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up His life for us. So, we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.” Does this verse mean that if we really love someone, we must die for them? That sounds a little too much like Romeo and Juliet to me. I’m not sure I’m ready to die for my fellow believers.

Thankfully, we are not required to physically die for others; Jesus already accomplished what was needed in that area. His death brought our forgiveness. We give up our lives to love others in different ways. We give up our time, resources, and heart space so that others may become free and grow in Christ.

Part of the confusion with the above scripture is the definition of love. There are four words for love in scripture. Those words are eros, storge, philia, and agape. Eros is physical, sensual intimacy between a husband and wife. Storge is cherishing one’s kindred, especially parents or children. Philia is close friendship or brotherly love. Agape is pure, willful, sacrificial love, that intentionally desires another’s highest good.

It is agape love that we are referring to today. Jesus loved us this way and we are to love others this way. We are often taught to look out for number one by society. But that is the opposite of what Jesus taught. If we are fully loved by God (and we are) we are free to love others unselfishly because we won’t fear that our needs won’t be met.

When our needs are met through Holy Spirit, we are excited to love others with agape love. When our souls are healthy, we don’t fear loving others; either because we might be rejected, or because we might wear ourselves out. Give what you have to give and stop when you feel you need a break.

I caution against giving without stopping because that will exhaust your resources. Give according to Holy Spirit’s leading. And rest from giving according to His leading. One cannot give everything to everyone, but we may give what we can to the ones God highlights to us. That is enough and God will be pleased.

Many times, if we encounter someone who is over giving it is often because she or he is struggling with self-worth. Our giving does not make us worthy, but it does make us obedient. That is all God is asking for; obedience. That pleases Him and we are blessed in the giving.

Ask God today who you can love. And what loving action He would like for you to do to affirm that action. You will be blessed; the person will be blessed and God will be smiling!

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