Read the Bible in One Year Day 342 – No Is a Complete Sentence

Hosea 10-14 / Jude / Psalm 127 / Proverbs 29:15-17

In college I took classes that would have helped me had I chosen a career in construction. I took drafting classes, an intro to computer aided drafting, cost estimation for construction, a shop class, and several other classes. I didn’t end up in the construction field, although I worked for a construction company first as their draftsperson, then as the front office person.

I later had a job as a cost estimator for a lumber and millwork company. So, it was interesting when my husband decided by God’s leading to become a contractor and remodel, then build houses. As of 2021 this is still the field in which he works. As I read through scripture, I’ve noticed several verses that speak about houses and building. I read a couple of verses today that caught my eye from this perspective.

Psalm 127:1-2 NLT Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to His loved ones.

At first read, this verse seems straight forward but as I’ve pondered it, there are many directions we could go and several things we could talk about. One of the obvious truths is that if we are not led by God to engage in our work, we will not have a full measure of success. Sure, we will probably do well, accomplish tasks, and make money to feed our families. But I can’t help but believe there will be a greater measure of the blessing of God if we have followed Him into our chosen profession.

We may find ourselves working harder instead of smarter. We may experience many setbacks instead of a flow of blessing and fulfillment. Every job will of course have difficulty but when you are operating in that place of grace it is very different than operating from a place of striving on your own strength.

There is a certain rest and peace present when we’re walking where God has equipped and called us. That brings our thoughts to the second thought in the verses above. When we are walking where God has called us, there is rest in our work. Rest does not mean we are constantly sitting with our feet up or sleeping, allowing everyone else to do all the work. Rest is a state of our souls.

Rest for the soul comes when we allow God to carry our burdens instead of carrying them ourselves. The word rest in the verse above does refer to sleep. The meaning is that if we have given our troubles and worries to God, we will be able to rest and to sleep without being concerned about the things happening around us.

If your job, family, friends, life situations or your job are keeping you awake at night, it’s time for an evaluation. Maybe there is an area that you are inserting yourself and God does not want you involved. Or maybe you are taking on the cares of another person or situation. Be careful to do neither of these but to give them to God in prayer. When it comes to our own burdens and troubles, it is a little harder because we feel responsible for these people, things, and situations.

We can certainly be responsible without carrying the mental and emotional load. God’s shoulders are strong and broad enough to carry this load; ours are not. God does not expect us to wear ourselves out in any situation. I believe that if we are submitting everything to Him in prayer and giving everything our best-efforts God is pleased and that is enough.

You’ve probably heard that “No” is a complete sentence. It is okay to put things off, admit you are not able to do certain things, and to say “no”. We are humans not superhumans! Do your best, honor God and love people. That is enough.

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