Read the Bible in One Year Day 347 – The Lord is King!

Obadiah / Revelation 4 / Psalm 132 / Proverbs 29:24-25

As I read today, one phrase stuck out to me and caused my heart so much joy! There are times you’re reading along, and your brain checks out. You may catch some details and miss others. There are times when we must re-read that last sentence or paragraph because we were not focused enough. But this phrase woke my heart up quickly.

The phrase was from Obadiah verse 21 (yes, it’s a one-chapter book of the Bible). The last statement in the verse is, “And the LORD himself will be king!”  You know, there are times when this world is going crazy with no end in sight. All of us are waiting for the craziness to end and for someone to step in and rescue us. There is nothing that wakes one’s heart up more than knowing a savior has arrived!

When Jesus arrived on earth the first time, he was a helpless infant who depended on his mom and dad for everything; for his very survival. When He comes the second time (and He is coming), He will come as the Sovereign Ruler that He is. Every eye will see Him. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. (Philippians 2:10-11) Those knees and those tongues will bow and confess whether they previously believed in Him or not. That’s a sobering thought.

Whenever I think about that day of His second arrival on earth, I can’t help but imagine what it will look like; what it will be like. I believe it will be both terrifying and exciting. I believe there will be loud noises of worship and praise, and that we will see things we have only imagined. He’s arriving with His heavenly army; that alone will be sights and sounds that will be a shock to our humanity.

However, as we see Him, we will be changed. Our new heavenly bodies will be able to comprehend what we will see and hear. Because for the first time since we were sent to earth and were born, we will be in the realm from which we came. I wonder if we will remember and feel at home? I believe we will!

Our King will have arrived. Our Rescuer, our Savior will have revealed Himself. The day that we’ve longed for will have come and gone, then the judgment. The separation of the goats on the left and the sheep on the right will be complete (there is a separation happening on earth even now). Are you ready to see Him?

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