Read the Bible in One Year Day 355 – God to the Rescue!

Zechariah 1 / Revelation 12 / Psalm 140 / Proverbs 30:17

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy the conversations the writers in Psalms have with the Lord. They are real and raw, holding nothing back. Whether the writer is frustrated, angry, sad, fearful, joyful, or thankful, the reader is not left guessing about their mood. Some might be afraid to speak so honestly with God in prayer, but I happen to believe He prefers honest speech.

Sometimes I chuckle when the psalmist is complaining about the wicked and asking God to destroy them. How many times have we wished we had someone who would beat up the bully for us? It’s as if the psalmist is calling on his dad or older brother to protect him when he’s being cornered and threatened.

There are times we all feel that way. We feel taken advantage of, abused, neglected, and bullied. Most of the time we must sit quietly and take it for fear of starting a fight where someone will get hurt. However, when considering a spiritual fight, we don’t ever need to feel we must be quiet. God is always prepared to defend us.

Psalm 140:9 in theNew Living Translation is an example of wishing our enemies would get what’s coming to them: “Let my enemies be destroyed by the very evil they have planned for me.” That might seem wrong to say, but since everyone reaps what they sow, inevitably, those who plot, and plan evil will eventually fall right into their own trap.

The psalm ends as it should with the writer seeing God for who He is and with a thankful heart for having been heard. The writer also knows that God will win in the end. Let’s look at verses 12-13,But I know the LORD will help those they persecute; He will give justice to the poor. Surely righteous people are praising Your name; the godly will live in Your presence.”

Even when we’re afraid and complaining, we must conclude that God is good, and He is protecting us from those who are evil. Yes, we may suffer things but ultimately, we will be saved and will be with God for all eternity. Nothing can take that gift away from us!

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