Read the Bible in One Year Day 356 – The Beauty of Wonder

Zechariah 2-3 / Revelation 13 / Psalm 141 / Proverbs 30:18-20

As we get near the end of the year and the end of our reading, there are some serious and intense scenes in the texts. All the minor prophets: from Hosea through Malachi, as well as the book of Revelation…are filled with difficult-to-understand events and imagery. I’m not even going to attempt to explain the book of Revelation.

Yes, there have been parts that stuck out to me, ones I have brought to you in devotional form. When Holy Spirit highlights something, that’s what I bring that to you. Today, I am interested in looking further at two verses from Proverbs 30. Verses 18 and 19 have a few topics that could take up more time than we have. Let me include those two verses here, then we’ll talk about them minute:

“There are three things that amaze me – no, four things that I don’t understand; how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman.” The New Living Translation, (NLT).

These are things that amaze Agur – remember our little-known writer mentioned a few days ago? They are not things he’s willing to explain, but only to mention. That brings me to mention that we don’t need to know and understand everything. That’s saying a lot for someone who loves to know why and how things work!

But I also love a good mystery, and I certainly love surprises. Sometimes we must accept the things God has created around us for what they are without trying to take the mystery out of them. It’s okay and good for us to be left wondering. We will never fully grasp the deep mysteries surrounding God or the way He does things. So, I believe it’s perfectly okay to allow these four things mentioned to be left in that space of awe in our hearts.

If we understood all things, there would be no need for faith and trust. That would also mean there would be no need for God because we would be self-sufficient. To settle upon ourselves as sufficient is to settle for less than what God has for us. His sufficiency is far greater than our own. And it is fully available to us.

So, read those two verses again, and as you do; allow your mind to picture that eagle gliding through the sky, that snake slithering across the rock, the ship sailing strongly through the ocean, and the smile of love. I caution you not to go beyond the smile of love unless you are imagining your spouse – that will keep you in a safe space!

Allow yourself to wonder and to dream, to hope and to believe. After all, we are in the season of hopes and dreams and new beginnings. Be blessed today!

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