Read the Bible in One Year Day 357 – Don’t Eat the Worm!

Zechariah 4-5 / Revelation 14 / Psalm 142 / Proverbs 30:21-23

I’m sure you’ve each had moments or seasons where you felt overlooked and unloved. People are busy, they have their own lives to live, and their own drama to walk through. So, others don’t always have time when something dramatic or difficult happens. When that happens to you, and it will, you have two options when responding.

We can respond with understanding by realizing those who appear to be absent are likely overwhelmed by their own situations. Or we can pout, sulk, and complain that Nobody likes me, everybody hates me. I think I’ll go eat worms! That last bit was for a little humor on our potentially sour attitude. Now that I’ve quoted those funny words, I’ll have to share their origin.

These words are the beginning of a Thirteenth-century rhyme that originated in Tonga. I’m not going to quote the rest here because reading them makes me queasy! If you’d like to read the rest, feel free to do an internet search for the words above and the whole thing will pop right up.

While we’re feeling all sorry for ourselves, I believe we’ve forgotten that there is One who is always aware, listening, and caring about what is happening to us. Psalm 142:4-5 tells a short story about the complainer suddenly realizing he is being heard:

“I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me. Then I pray to you, O Lord. I say, “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life,” New Living translation, (NLT).

It may sometimes take us a while to realize that we’re looking in the wrong place for affirmation and a listening ear. Hopefully, as we mature in our relationship with Jesus, those times of complaint become shorter, and we more quickly realize God hears our every word. Not only does He hear, but He also has the answer to each situation and question.

So, the next time you’re tempted to go out in the garden to eat worms; as you pick up the shovel to dig, say a little prayer. I have a feeling you’ll put the shovel down, laugh at the silliness and begin to feel as if you really do matter to someone. While you’re feeling that way, remember to spend time thanking Him for hearing and loving you!

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