Read the Bible in One Year: Day 46 – God, My Righteous Judge

Exodus 39-40 / Mark 1:1-28 / Psalm 35:1-16 / Proverbs 9:11-12

We’ve all had arguments, disagreements, etc. with others.  Some were able to be resolved and some were not.  Have you ever had such a sharp disagreement that it was necessary to part ways?  Of course, in those circumstances it’s imperative we forgive, but the truth is we may or may not be reconciled to that person or persons. 

We faced such a circumstance a few years ago, and though it was painful and there was a lot of misunderstanding, the Lord was clear.  He told us, “Allow them to say whatever they’d like; do not defend yourselves.  Remember that vengeance is mine.”

It is so hard to keep quiet, remove yourself completely from a situation having no contact, and allow God to do what He knows is best, but that is exactly what we did.  And today, we’ve moved on and we’re more blessed and healthier than we’ve been in many years, thanks be to God!

So, when I read Psalm 35:1, I was reminded again that it is the Lord who is our defender. 

O LORD oppose those who oppose me.  Fight those who fight against me.

In the New American Standard Bible, the word “oppose” is “contend” and part of that is a legal term meaning “to conduct a case or legal suit”.  In essence, I’m asking the Lord to open His courtroom, present the evidence on my behalf and render a verdict.  

The word “fight” is to go to battle, and this also makes me think of a court battle.  If God is my righteous Judge (and He is!), I am counting on Him to stand and speak on my behalf.  That means I don’t always have to defend myself, because He is going to step in and do so!

That is a huge comfort to me because people don’t always want to listen to reason. 

If you’re facing a situation, ask God what your response should be.  Do you speak up, or do you allow God to defend you?  Whichever is true, please know that God is on your side.  And He is on the side of Truth. 

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