Read the Bible in One Year: Day 57 – Gain the World and Lose Your Soul?

Leviticus 19:1-20:21 / Mark 8:11-38 / Psalm 42 / Proverbs 10:17

Mark 8:33b Jesus said to Peter…  You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.

The concept of seeing things from heaven’s perspective is something I have been thinking about a lot – something the Lord has been pressing upon my heart daily.  It is by no means an easy process to change one’s thinking, but I know it’s possible.  After all, scripture tells us we must renew our minds.

In the verses that follow in Mark, there are some clues as to what actions may signify one who has heaven’s view.  Here’s what Jesus said about the subject.

If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.

If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it.  But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?

Once again, we’ve encountered the Upside-Down World of the Kingdom of Heaven.  If I want to follow, I must give up my way.  If I want to follow, I must take up my cross.  By holding onto my life, I lose it.  By giving up my life, I save it.  Are you thoroughly confused? 

I get it; it can be confusing because we’ve been taught in the western world to take care of #1.  So, it makes no sense to give up our own way or to lose our life.  But in God’s view, we are giving up a way of human understanding, which is a limited picture, for His understanding.  And He sees everything – the revealed and the hidden. 

It’s the hidden things of God’s Kingdom which make the difference in how we choose to live our lives.  While I’m trying to “gain the whole world”, I’m losing my soul.  While I’m looking at my life through the glasses of humanity, I’m losing God’ perspective which would bring me true life, peace and prosperity. 

It’s a matter of perspective, as well as thinking and seeing according to Heaven’s view.  That is what I’m actively pursuing and attempting to gain – a vantage point of my life, and life around me, from God’s perspective.  And why wouldn’t I want that?  He sees what I can’t!  I need His wisdom and direction.

What about you?  Have you considered what it might be like to see your life and the life of those around you from God’s view?  How might this change the way you approach your decisions and daily living?  Please let me know your thoughts.

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