Read the Bible in One Year: Day 59 – Make the Most of Each Moment

Leviticus 22:17-23:44 / Mark 9:30-10:12/ Psalm 44:1-8 / Proverbs 10:19

There are some verses in Mark that grabbed my heart – several really, but I don’t have space to write about them all!

This morning in our Sunday gathering there was a tangible sense of God revealing Himself and His heart to us, so I’m processing today’s scriptures from a place of having been visited by God’s strong and loving presence.  In verse 30, going into 31 it says this “Jesus didn’t want anyone to know he was there, for he wanted to spend more time with his disciples and teach them.”

There is so much emotion behind this statement.  Jesus knew His crucifixion was near and that He wouldn’t see His friends on earth much longer.  I’m sure His heart ached due to the impending separation and He wanted to spend as much time with them as possible!

What if we lived with this type of attitude toward those we love?  What if I knew that I had just a few days left with my favorite people?  Would I also want to hide away for some private time, making sure I expressed to them my most important thoughts? I know I would!

I remember when my daddy was in the hospital before he passed to Heaven.  The Lord had already spoken to me that He was taking daddy home and I knew the time was short, so I spent every minute in his presence that I possibly could because I knew I would not see him this way again.  The next time I see him we will both be in our heavenly bodies.  I wanted to squeeze all the sweetness out of our time together.

And don’t you think God is that way with us?  Don’t you think He loves spending time with us?  I know I love spending time with Him! 

There is one more sentence that gives a side thought to what’s on my heart.  In verse 50 it says, “You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”  I love that!  Salt brings flavor and richness, and we are to bring flavor and richness to one another’s lives!  Live in peace with each other…  that’s beautiful.  And we never know when it may be the final time we’ll be with that person.  I would hate to think we missed an opportunity to bless and show love.

Missed opportunities – they need not happen – not if we’re living life aware and fully.

That’s how I want to live!  When I leave this earth, I want to know that I loved with all I had in me!  What about you?  Let’s do it!! 

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