Numbers 11:24-13:33 / Mark 14:22-52 / Psalm 52 / Proverbs 11:1-3
I’ve read the Old Testament stories many times, but this is the first time I saw a connection between Moses’ humility and that being the reason God met with him face to face. This is what God says of Moses …
Of all my house, he is the one I trust. I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles! He sees the LORD as He is. (Numbers 12:7-8)
I’ve always been envious that Moses got to see God face to face. He’s the only one in scripture, at least in my memory, who could do so. One day in Heaven, I will see Him face to face. But Moses saw God face to face in his earthly body. I’ll have to wait for my heavenly body to see God this way.
There’s another scripture I’ve always loved that speaks to this yearning to see God. It’s part of the beatitudes from Matthew. Verse 8 – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
I have many favorite verses, but this may be at the top. I can’t wait to see God. Yes, I’ve seen His work all around me. I’ve heard His voice, felt His touch. But to SEE Him. The thought of this creates an intense longing to know Him as He knows me. Wow… what a day that will be!
Let’s look back at Moses’ humility for a minute. Verse 3 of chapter 12 says in parenthesis Now Moses was very humble – more humble than any other person on earth.
If I want to see and experience God, maybe I should explore this humility thing, so let’s see what it means. Let’s go look it up!
This is what I found – commonly with the added notion of a lowly, pious, and modest mind, which prefers to bear injuries rather than return them.
Oh my… I have some things to learn. My husband Jeff is this way, but sometimes I prefer to defend myself or get even. Not always, but I tend more that direction. I guess I have a lot to learn about humility. My next question is, “How do I learn humility?” I’d say that’s done through practice. I must first be aware of my fault, then in repentance work through the process of renewing myself to align with God’s view.
I’m sure Moses learned humility throughout his life. He was first given up by his mother to save his life, then raised in Pharaoh’s household, then made aware of his Hebrew ancestry. Then God had him spend 40 years in the desert as a shepherd. That would be a great place to learn humility. And God knew Moses would need to be humble to be able to lead the people of Israel into freedom.
Scripture says that Jesus learned obedience (and humility) through the things He suffered. (Hebrews 5:8)
That’s a lot to think about!