Read the Bible in One Year: Day 77 – A Gracious Woman

Numbers 26:52-28:15 / Luke 3:1-22 / Psalm 61 / Proverbs 11:16-17

Women in the Bible are fascinating and there are too many stories to recount here.  Women in the east have for centuries been seen more as property than people of equal value with men.  But God does not see male or female – He sees us as equal in His Kingdom.

That’s why I love the decision that God led Moses to make on behalf of the 5 sisters in Numbers.  Their names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.  When it was time to draw lots and divide the land among the clans as the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land, the girls spoke up on behalf of their father’s household, not wanting his name to disappear from his clan. 

I admire their boldness in asking.  I admire Moses’ willingness to bring the case before the Lord.  I also am grateful the Lord decided in their favor and granted they would have the land their father would have inherited.  It proves God’s heart toward women.

Psalm 61:16a A gracious woman gains respect.

Gracious is full of grace, elegance, favor, and charm.  Think of a woman who knows how to behave and speak appropriate to the situation because she has had a long season of learning such things. 

Gains respect is to lay hold of or retain honor, dignity, and reputation.  This is an active connotation. 

These two together make me think of a woman who knows her value, and her worth and she knows how to boldly step forward to garner what is rightfully hers.  She knows what belongs to her because she has heard God speak it to her.  She is not afraid to take hold of what God has promised, again because she has heard God speak to her and she trusts Him.

Do you have promises, inheritances, hopes and dreams that are lying dormant waiting for you to “take them up”?  If so, may I encourage you today to prayerfully take steps toward God has already given you?  Remember, if He has promised, it is yours.  It’s not that it “will be” yours.  It IS yours. 

Be bold woman of God, and lay hold of that which Christ laid hold of for you!  After all, it is to bring Him glory. 

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