Deuteronomy 2-3 / Luke 6:12-38 / Psalm 67 / Proverbs 11:27
…for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked…
Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive.
These verses from Luke are sobering. Some of this seems difficult and some of this has been misinterpreted.
We prefer to “pay back” those who hurt us, but the Lord is kind to the unthankful and wicked. Even if someone does not recognize His kindness, He isn’t moved by that. How often are we upset when we do something for someone, and they don’t thank us or even notice what we’ve done? Perhaps we should work on being kind anyway.
What about someone who is truly evil? How hard it is to be kind to an evil person (though most people I’ve met are not this way). But God sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. Both receive the goodness of the earth and everything God placed here. We don’t have to be right with God to enjoy His creation.
This has me considering our judgments. How often do we give or withhold based on our opinion regarding the worthiness of another? It is not our responsibility to make that decision, but rather we are to do good to all men, especially to those who are part of our household of faith in God.
Let’s clear some confusion around the word “judge” because I’ve heard some interpret this scripture incorrectly.
Judge is to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong.
*to be judged, i.e. summoned to trial that one’s case may be examined and judgment passed upon it.
*to pronounce judgment, to subject to censure.
*of those who act the part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment on the deeds and words of others
This type of judgment is reserved for God because it is a final judgment that includes sentencing. Think of a court case. Someone comes before the court to be given a sentence concerning their guilt or innocence. The judge is the one who has the final decision on their guilt or innocence. God is the Judge, and He will base a person’s guilt or innocence on whether or not they have received His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, this is not our role.
We may, however, look at another person’s life to determine whether the “fruit” of their lives appears to be good and from God, or evil and from satan. This is discernment and assists us in knowing who is and is not safe for us to build relationship. We must also discern of what spirit others are. That will also help us determine whether the relationship will be safe and beneficial.
But again, we are not permitted to be part of a final judgment or sentencing upon another. That is reserved for God’s Throne of Judgment.
Our responsibility is to be kind, don’t judge, don’t condemn, forgive, and give. I know this is sometimes easier said than done, but I encourage you today to find someone to be kind to. Then you can rest in knowing you are behaving like God would have you behave.