Deuteronomy 9-10 / Luke 8:4-21 / Psalm 69:19-36 / Proverbs 12:2-3
You must recognize that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land because you are good, for you are not – you are a stubborn people. (Deut. 9:6)
The Lord approves of those who are good… (Pr 12:2a)
When I saw the word “good” repeated in my reading today, I had to investigate. When I see or hear the word “good”, I’m immediately reminded of this verse found in Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19…
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good – except God alone.”
There is a lot to explore in the different uses of this one word. Let’s compare and contrast the different definitions.
Good land – tob = good, pleasant, agreeable
Good versus stubborn people in Deuteronomy – sedaqa = justice, righteousness and prosperity of people
Good in Proverbs – tob = good, pleasant, agreeable
Good in Mark and Luke – agathos = of good nature, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy, excellent, upright, honorable
Looking at all of this reminds me that the verses in Mark and Luke are foundationally true – only God is good. Scripture tells us plainly that we are born with a sin nature, our old Adam nature, and that apart from being renewed through a relationship with Christ, we cannot be made right with God. Apart from the sacrifice Jesus made, we could not have a relationship with God who is Good.
Yes, I’ve met “good” people who did not know Jesus Christ. They are kind, moral people that would give you the shirt off their own back. And I’m thankful for kind people. I’d much rather interact with a kind than a mean person – who wouldn’t? But at the end of the day, it is not our kindness or goodness that gains us anything from an eternal perspective.
I strive to be kind and good to all, but without the influence of Jesus in my heart, I could not attain a goodness that would assure me Heaven when I die. Because of that, I’m thankful for what Jesus did on the cross.
Jesus, I thank you for your sacrifice on the cross so that I could be made right with God, and so that I can show the kindness and love You have given me to those around me.
If you think I’m a kind or good person, I will point you to Jesus. He is the Kindness and Goodness within me.
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