Read the Bible in One Year: Day 92 – First Things First

Deuteronomy 21-22 / Luke 9:51-10:12 / Psalm 74 / Proverbs 12:11

Did you know there is a cost to following Jesus?  Some think we simply decide to follow and then life goes on.  Some realize that without the drawing of God’s Spirit, we could not even say “yes” to Jesus Christ.  Once we belong to the family of God, what is required?  And yes, I realize this is a lengthy answer and that I’ll barely scratch the surface.

What does the Lord require?  Micah 6:8 No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

In Luke 9:57-62 there were two people, one who wanted to follow Jesus, and one who Jesus called to follow Him.  Each scenario produced no followers because the one who would follow had not counted the cost.  The first, needed to go bury his father – taking care of family business.  The second wanted to say goodbye to his family.  Both are good things to do, but Jesus knew that once each of these returned to family, they would be entangled again with the “cares of the world” and would not return to follow. 

I am not saying we should not care for our families, because of course, we should.  But we must not place the care of our families above our love and devotion to our relationship with Christ.  And I believe that is the point.  Did you know that our families can become an idol?  Anything that is placed before Jesus in our affections is an idol.  In placing Jesus first, we may still love and care for our families.  We are blessed to keep BOTH Jesus and family when each is placed in proper order. 

Let’s go back to Micah.  These are three things God requires.  One – do what is right.  Two – love mercy.  Three – walk humbly with your God

One – do what is right.  Mispat – do no unrighteousness in judgment, for judgement is God’s. 

Two – love mercy.  Hesed – zeal, love and kindness (offered toward anyone.) 

Three – walk humbly.  Sana – be humble, submissive and modest (before God who is greater.) 

As you can see, our relationship with God and others is most important.  Love God; love others.  We’ve talked before about the fact that we cannot say we love God if we do not love our fellow man (woman). 

Perhaps these two who were called did not yet realize their need for Jesus Christ, or perhaps they were not yet ready to make Him first priority.  No one knows what they were thinking (except Jesus – and that’s why He responded as He did.  He always sees the hearts of men and women.), but their actions tell the story.

What do your actions show about your willingness to follow Jesus?  If He asks, do you follow?  Or do you have caveats that must first be met?  Remember that if we seek first the Kingdom of God, all things will be added to us.  Meaning, say “yes” to Jesus and the things that are precious to you will be taken care of as well!   

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