Read the Bible in One Year: Day 93 – Though the Earth is Shaking

Deuteronomy 23-25 / Luke 10:13-37 / Psalm 75 / Proverbs 12:12-14

When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm. Interlude (Psalm 75:3)

As we await the celebration of Easter tomorrow, as we remember the death of Jesus, as we realize His body laid in the tomb for three days, there is great hope. I’m sure His followers were discouraged and afraid. They didn’t know He would die and I’m sure they wondered what was next.

We have an advantage because we know how the story ends. At the end of death, there is life. Jesus’s agony brought us peace with God, just as His death brought us life and an expectation of seeing His face. 

So, even as our own world is being shaken, even though we can’t see what’s ahead, we must look to the One who holds it all together. He’s not shaken or surprised. Whatever it is our eyes see, God always has a plan for our good. 

There is a shaking, even a rumbling. I’m sure you feel and hear that God is up to something big. He will not leave His people. He will not allow us to be overwhelmed. Yes, we will feel the rumbles. As you sense the movement, imagine the foundations of the Lord remaining firm and I believe you will be made strong. 

Keep your eyes set on His face. Allow your heart to be held in His hands. Determine that your lips will speak only faith. And keep pressing forward. You are not alone. God is with us and we are for one another.

If you need prayer or support today, please send me a message. I’ve got your back just as I know you have mine! 

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