Why Did I Start Still the Mom?

I’m Maria Ann Wheeler Kear.  I tell you all my names because there is identity and destiny hidden in our names and I want you to see and know me as we begin our journey.  I’m counting on my unfolding story allowing us to become friends.  That means I also look forward to hearing your stories, identity and destiny!

Speaking of stories, I want to share with you how I got my first name, because it’s very special to me.  My parents started dating about 1959 and got married in September of 1960.  Once they officially started dating (that meant my mom had to break a few hearts LOL), my dad had some opinions to share one of which was the name of their first child.  Now mind you, they’d only been dating about 2 weeks, so that meant his prophetic gift was already in operation, even before he became a Christian (which happened when I was about 5 years old).  Back to the story, when they’d been dating just a few weeks, my dad told my mom that when they got married, their first child would be a daughter and her name would be Maria.  How did he know?  Wow…  that lets me know that I was thought of and planned for about 3 years before I came into existence!

Who am I, and why did I decide to start Still the Mom?

Let’s start with the “Who”

I’m a wife to Jeffrey (1989), mom to Matthew (1990), Katherine (1992) and Abigail (1995) and a Gigi to Heritage (2018) and Oliver (2020).  I have one precious son-in-law, Joshua (1990).

I’m a musician (voice and piano) and an artist. 

I’m a people lover, but also an extroverted introvert – yes, that’s a thing!

I’m a 4 on the Enneagram, a purple (mix of blue and red), my Meyer’s Briggs is ISFP The Adventurer… Maybe…  I say maybe because I don’t seem to neatly fit into the personality type boxes, so if you don’t either, I wouldn’t worry about it!

Now, the “Why”

I’ll tell more about me as a mom later, but here’s a little background so you know why I’m beginning this journey with STM.

I home schooled all 3 of my children, so spent 23 years as a full-time mom.  I had a few side jobs/businesses, but I mostly tended to my family, and I loved the whole thing, even the tough times!

Even while home schooling our children, we always found ourselves with “extra” “kids” – usually young adults who wanted to be with our family.

Whenever anyone asked what I did for a living, my answer was, “I’m a mom.”  Funny, but because I was at home and not out in the work force, I was also mostly known as Jeff’s wife.  I didn’t mind that, but I wondered when people would know my name…

Whenever anyone prayed over me and heard the Holy Spirit speak, they always said, “You’re the mom, and you’re a safe place.”

When I asked God about what to do when my children had all graduated, He said, “I still want you to be a mom.  You are still the mom.”

I became aware that not only was I a mom to 3 children, there was an identity and a calling on my life called “Mom”.

So, I’m here with you exploring what that means.

But I’m also here because maybe I’ve walked places you’re walking and you need someone to come alongside.  I love to come alongside and help other women discover the blueprint God placed within them.  And I love reminding them of who they are and supporting them as they boldly walk in their God-given identity.

Thank you for considering becoming part of the Still The Mom journey. 

2 thoughts on “Why Did I Start Still the Mom?”

  1. Marjorie Mitchell

    Marjorie Carol Kear, Pillion, Mitchell here and that is all my legal names. I have loved being a mom but thought I never would be, and now I wish that I was a grandma, but that isn’t gonna happen & I am okay with that. But I do love hearing other mom’s stories and I am sure not everyone has had a hard as I did for being a single mom. Yes there are plenty of hardships in life and I am mad at myself for not finding God before I did, would have been a better life, I think. To be continued later!

    1. Single moms are superheroes! Please never underestimate your valuable contribution.
      There’s no better time than today to begin again, and I’ve been blessed to watch your growth in Christ 💜

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