I’m excited about our word this week, because underneath my StilltheMom exterior is a thrill-seeker – not anything too dangerous! If not for my inner ear imbalances, and getting dizzy, I’d still be riding roller coasters, doing parasailing, etc. Would I jump out of a plane? Maybe! LOL
Our word is Daring, and it means venturesomely (inclined to court or incur risk or danger) bold in action or thought.
It’s true that most of the daring I talk about involves little risk or danger. I mean roller coasters aren’t dangerous, though they could be. But there may be something even more daring; that is to think for yourself.
I realize that the things we believe come from somewhere, but I believe we can’t hang our hats on any “truth” we hear 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. hand. No, we must go to the source.
We must not take everything we hear at face value but must seek to learn whether what we’re hearing is true. This approach would certainly cut down on anxiety, fighting, arguing, relationships around us being at odds.
So, before you “forward” that info you found, why don’t you research to make sure it’s a credible source with credible truth. And if you can’t find that information, hold what you’ve heard.
Who’s with me?